Move Sets for WCCW

These are the move sets for WCCW.  When a wrestler goes to wrestling school, they are trained on every move in wrestling, but specialize in certain ones before they graduate.


- This is a move set for virtually untrained women wrestlers \ ex-strippers.

- Small: Entertainers.



- This is a move set for the brawlers, mainly consisting of punches, kicks, and impact moves.

- Heavyweight: Brawler.



- This is a move set for wrestlers who are more Sports Entertainers  .. mainly regular brawling, with some basic holds thrown in.

- Heavyweight: Regular, Entertainer, Brawler.



- This is a move set for hardcore workers, basically consisting of a lot of fists.

- Middleweight: Brawler, Psychopath.



- This is a move set for jobbers, with only very basic moves.

- Lightweight / Middleweight: Regular, Brawler.



- This is a move set for Japanese female wrestlers, and consists of lots of spectacular and athletic moves.

- Small: Spot Monkey, Lucha Libre, Cruiserweight, Super Junior.



- This is a move set for the lightweight workers, with plenty of high flying (although not quite daredevil) moves.

- Lightweight: Cruiserweight, Super Junior.



- This is a move set for the lucha libre wrestlers.

- Lightweight: Lucha Libre.


Man Mountain

- This is a move set for the larger heavyweights with little to no agility.

- Super Heavyweight / Giant: Brawler, Powerhouse.



- This is a move set for limited powerhouses.

- Heavyweight: Regular, Brawler, Psychopath.



- This is a move set for the average wrestler, consisting mainly of standard moves.

- Middleweight: Regular.


Spot Monkey

- This is a move set for spot monkeys, basically consisting of loads of big flashy moves or crazy dangerous spots.

- Lightweight: Spot Monkey.


Strong Style

- This is a move set for the brawlers, mainly consisting of punches, kicks, and impact moves.

- Middleweight: Strong Style


Super Junior

- This is a move set for super junior workers, consisting of plenty of impressive technical and high flying moves.

- Lightweight: Cruiserweight, Super Junior.



- This is a move set for technical wrestlers, consisting of suplexes and various holds, but not many strikes.

- Middleweight: Regular, Technical.


Triple S

- This is a move set for workers who use a combination of Shoot blows, Suplexes and Submissions.

- Middleweight: Strong Style, Technician, MMA Crossover.



- This is a move set for versatile wrestlers; those of around 220lbs who mix speed, technique and strikes.

- Lightweight: Regular, Entertainer.



- This is a move set for the average female wrestler, consisting mainly of standard moves.

- Lightweight: Regular, Entertainer, Technician, Brawler.